GNOME is a mentoring organization for the Google Summer of Code 2009. If you are a student who wants to get paid to hack all summer on free software, now is the time to apply, the deadline for application is on Friday, April 3rd.
You can find a list of ideas that have been proposed by GNOME contributors here but this list is in no way exhaustive so you can apply for any idea you care about and you think would improve the GNOME desktop!
Rhythmbox 0.12 was finally released a few weeks ago, it contains a lot of bugfixes and new features compared to the aging Rhythmbox 0.11.6. And development and bugfixing is going on in svn contrary to the impression some people had
There are 2 ideas proposed for the GSoC, one about media player synchronization (to keep Rhythmbox library and you favourite media player in sync), and one about getting information about the currently playing song (to know everything about your favourite group, get stats about the song that is playing, ...). You can find more details on the GSoC idea page on live.gnome.org
Solutions Linux
Solutions Linux will take place in Paris on the 31st March, 1st and 2nd April (this is Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday this week). This year it has moved from CNIT/La Défense to Paris Expo/Porte de Versailles so this will be an exciting new experience for exhibitors ;) Mandriva and GNOME-FR both have a booth, you should definitely come to visit us, entrance is free! And there will be tshirts and stickers on the GNOME booth, and plenty of good stuff on the Mandriva booth!
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